
NHF Questionnaire for STATE Candidates

Ask your politicians and their opponents to fill it out

Too few Americans refuse to vote for those candidates who do not support their key interests, and too many settle for the politician they consider the “lesser of two evils.”  Since 1955, NHF has supported only those whose legislation would restore informed consent and the right to try alternative remedies, and oppose special interests’ capture of regulatory agencies.


Actions to take:

  1.  To get politicians on the record to ease the decision whether to give them our support, input your address at Ballotpedia to see who’s on your ballot this Fall.  Click on each candidate and scroll down to their external links to send them NHF’s questionnaire
  2. For an easy way to send the questionnaire to your state Representative and Senator, scroll down to the bottom of this page to input your zip code
  3. If it doesn't work below to input your zip code, you haven't yet filled out a NATIONAL NHF campaign - needed to capture your data.  To remedy this, click here to send the questionnaire to your federal reps.


 History of the National Health Federation

Fred Hart started the organization in 1955 when the AMA shut down as "quackery" his unapproved medical device to avoid the eventual death of his wife from breast cancer – a device using frequency, a variation of which the FDA later approved.

Other “maverick” healing methods NHF tried to defend from FDA persecution in that first decade included Royal Rife's microscopical techniques for viral examination, Harry Hoxsey's herbal formulas for cancer, Max Gerson's immune-boosting treatments for degenerative disease, and Wilhelm Reich's orgone accumulators.  In 1991, NHF defended alternative cancer doctor Burzinski from medical board persecution.  Back in the 1960s, NHF introduced legislation in most States that would protect chiropractors from State medical board persecution by creating their own licensing regime; and in the 1980s, NHF did the same for acupuncturists.

Also in the 1980s, NHF defended health food stores from FDA's failed attempt to ban book and magazine sales as illegal "labeling"; and NHF stopped legislation that would have prevented the sales of dietary supplements through the U.S. mails.  After raids in the 1990s of dietary-supplement manufacturers, NHF helped pass DSHEA to set up a rational FDA regulatory structure that's threatened right now by Senator Durbin's Mandatory Listing proposal.

When most folks think about NHF, though, it is usually about our work over the past couple of decades as the sole health-freedom and natural-health organization accredited and present at the WTO-enforced Codex food trade standards-making institution, Codex Alimentarius.  At these regular meetings NHF fights FDA and its biotech friends who always seek the lowering of vitamin potencies, higher toxicity additives & contaminants in our foods and crops, and looser standards for organic foods.  Speaking of farms, back in the 1950s NHF was instrumental in passing poultry inspection, and in the 1970s aggressively opposed water fluoridation.  Over the past decade NHF has gotten more involved against the seemingly unstoppable deployment of wireless antennas outside our bedrooms, offices, and classrooms.

While NHF has always opposed vaccine mandates, it was in the 1990s that NHF stepped up its fight against endless additions to the vaccine mandates required of students.  Currently, we are the prime organization behind H.R. 5816, the National Informed Consent Exemption (NICE) act, supported by a huge number of other groups.  NHF generated the bicameral congressional letter that argued against the FDA’s extension of the emergency vaccine for toddlers, as well as another bill to reimpose vaxx harm liability on the pharmaceutical industry.

Also, NHF seeks a ban on the type of viral weaponization that exposes humanity to future pandemics and believes more substantive reforms are needed to both the demand and supply of the healthcare market before we'll ever attain freedom.  That bigger goal entails expansion of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and abolition or devolution of a lot of the health bureaucracies (including the FDA), as well as replacing licensing with safe harbors or competitive certification in each State.

It takes just a minute to scroll to the bottom of any of NHF’s campaigns (, to learn how to advance Health Freedom.

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