telecom broadband health property climate

Enforce & Mitigate 5G Wireless Broadband Emissions

If industry can't comply with wireless radiation limits, government must mitigate its antenna deployment

National Health Federation Campaign:

Enforce & Mitigate Radio Frequency Radiation Limits for Broadband Deployment

April 29th, 2021

The National Health Federation supports the extent to which the infrastructure bill’s broadband section relies on wired deployment via fiber optics - a wondrous technology proven safe, fast and secure. [1] What concerns scientists and families is not wireless per se, but rather wireless without enforcement of its radiation emission limits.

While twelve other countries monitor and enforce emission limits, there is no American check on Radio Frequency Electro-Magnetic Field Radiation (RF-EMF) emissions; [2] Americans interested in the extent of radiation emissions of nearby antenna are reduced to participating in volunteer efforts. [3] Protecting life and property and national security makes two of the purposes of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), and mandating RF-EMF radiation limit enforcement will protect public safety, restore property values, ensure telecommunications effectiveness and even assure meeting the Administration’s carbon emissions goals.

On public safety, adding emission enforcement should trigger automatic mitigation measures which immediately reduce radiation emissions if they exceed the FCC’s Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit (MPEL). We know from the government’s gold standard on safety - the 2018 report published by the National Institute of Health’s National Toxicology Program that cable news covered here - that wireless radiation causes a number of health conditions including cancer and alters DNA. [4] When the MPEL is exceeded it should require RF mitigation measures per the FCC regulatory statute and as reported by the groundbreaking Fifth Generation (5G) Safety Commission set up by New Hampshire’s government. [5, 6]

The 5G Safety Commission said Congress should: (1) Create setbacks for cell antennas near homes and schools; (2) Replace school wireless with hard wiring (fiber optic cables are faster, safer, and more secure); (3) Establish 5G- and wireless-free zones in libraries, parks, hospitals, nursing homes and other sensitive locations; (4) Educate the public how to mitigate wireless exposure; (5) Measure and publicly post RF-EMF levels in communities; (6) Develop safety limits that protect against biological effects on human & nature’s flora and fauna; and (7) Demand the FCC set up and implement a INDEPENDENT RF safety review that includes impacts to all life. Any enforcement bill also should include the above mitigation remedies.

Regarding property values, while too few Americans are aware of the safety concerns over their cellphones, 94% don’t want a cellphone tower mounted near their home. Realtors know such close proximity can slash property values by 20%. [7] Enforcement of the FCC radiation emission limits and wired connections from the curb to the home will help protect the value of a family’s most important investment.

Not only will wireless antennas near homes and other property adversely affect value and endanger health, but also such rollout without enforcement will hurt the government’s pollution abatement goals. The Administration's National Climate Challenge Task Force seeks reduction by 2030 of Carbon Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. [8] Yet the Communication Technology (CT) industry is predicted by then to use half the world’s electricity and account for over 20% of GHG pollution. [9] The CT industry’s GHG emissions happen when 5G base stations use electricity converted from fossil fuels. Unchecked 5G wireless expansion could jeopardize the administration’s GHG abatement goals, yet the infrastructure broadband bill contains no money for enforcement of RF-EMF and carbon emission limits.

We share in the public’s excitement over technological progress. However, most Americans - as the above poll shows - don’t want to lose their home’s value because of antenna deployment near their property. For the public’s safety, broadband expansion should continue via hard-wired fiber optics in residential neighborhoods. Congress also shouldn't allow the CT industry’s unchecked 5G infrastructure expansion to jeopardize GHG emission reduction commitments. NHF urges congressional introduction and passage of legislation to enforce RF-EMF radiation emission limits, and to impose mitigation when violations are found.

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[5] see p. 317 @






The National Health Federation (NHF) is the World’s oldest 501(c)(4) health-freedom organization, having since 1955 defended food and healthcare from government distortion and special-interest corruption.  For questions see or  contact lobbyist Charles Frohman, at 202-258-8027 or

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