Don't let Telecom Ignore Local Rights!
Without LOCAL Powers to Deny Wireless Antennas, their Wireless "Mesh" will become our Digital Prison!

Americans are waking up to the assault of constant 24/7 exposure to radio frequency radiation (RFR) from wireless technology installed and being installed in our homes, cars, streets, local businesses, schools, and communities without our informed consent. While many property owners would prefer to restrict wireless facility expansion in residential neighborhoods, past and current legislation has made that extremely difficult for localities. In Biden’s 2021 infrastructure bill (Public Law No: 117-58), Big Telecom received $65 billion towards the proliferation of unsafe and untested 5G (and beyond) technology without a single mention of safety precautions or even any monitoring of the increase in radiation levels within communities.[1]
Worse, in May of 2023, the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee passed seven bills – including H.R. 3557 – which completely eliminates the ability of Americans to use State and local governmental authorities to modify placement of wireless antenna facilities based on environmental and historic reviews.[2] We need to immediately defeat these seven bills, and instead sponsor wireless RF monitoring and mitigation legislation that would PROTECT the public instead of bringing us more harm.
Just a quick note that if you struggle with the zip code finder at the bottom of this page, just copy the below text, find your U.S. Rep and both Senators and paste into an email to all 3 politicians.
Over 90% of surveyed Americans don’t want wireless technology near their homes, while realtors are upset that these harmful and unsightly cell towers reduce home values by over 20%. [3] In 2018, the National Institutes of Health’s National Toxicology Program (NTP) found wireless causes cancer and alters DNA.[4] When the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended long-term safety studies of the Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) environmental pollutant, Congress – tragically – defunded that effort.[5] More recently in 2021, the D.C. Court of Appeals challenged the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for lying about their wireless safety guidelines that were found not to be science-based.[6] Finally, several States (including New Hampshire) are creating commissions to investigate wireless safety and mitigation.[7]
Given the above concerns, it is shocking that the House of Representatives would consider bills ignoring the rogue and unconstitutional nature of wireless-antenna deployment. The egregious nature of these bills is described below:
H.R. 3557 rubber-stamps facility applications by preempting local zoning moratoria and eliminates environmental and historic preservation reviews;
H.R. 3565 slows the broadband speed definition sufficiently to allow broadband grants for (slower and less efficient) wireless networks, instead of fiber;
H.R. 3309 prevents higher fees for wireless applications on government land and buildings that may contain higher value; and H.R. 3293, subjects Federal land wireless processes to a “strike force” to “expedite” applications even for unlicensed companies;
H.R. 3299 uses online portals at the Departments of Interior and Agriculture to skip established processes for facility deployment on Federal property (and H.R. 3283 directs the Commerce Department to report on the barriers to processing online forms for such deployment; AND H.R. 3343 requires Commerce to create a plan for H.R. 3299 to work)[8]
We are pleased that the National League of Cities and the National Association of Counties are joining the National Health Federation (NHF) in opposing these bills.[9]
Instead of sitting idly by as America is saturated in wireless deployment, Congress needs to hold hearings on Big Telecom’s concealment of wireless health and safety dangers, and pass NHF-recommended legislation to initiate the monitoring of wireless radiation that will trigger mitigation measures when permissible RFR exposure levels are exceeded.[10]
Thank you for addressing Big Telecom’s capture of the Federal regulatory process, a corruption that is hurting fiber to the premises (FTTP), which is the fastest, safest, most secure, and cost effective broadband technology to bridge the digital divide. Americans want affordable and safe wired connectivity in their communities, and Congress urgently needs to hold hearings about why we’re getting unsafe and untested wireless instead.
(Once completed, send NHF's related campaign to your state politicians, demanding a right to opt out of unsafe, wireless utility meters - which will synergize with the Wireless Mesh to irradiate, spy on and coerce behavior of your family)